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CHARIOT Deliverables

D2.6 CHARIOT IoT Cognitive Platform (final prototype)
George Theofilis, Orfeas Panagou, Antonis Mygiakis 15/07/2020 00:00:00

1 Executive Summary

 According to the CHARIOT DoA: “WP2 will develop an Open Cognitive IoT Architecture and Platform, called the CHARIOT Platform, that exhibits intelligent safety behavior in the diverse and complex ways in which the safety critical system and the IoT system will interact in a secure manner”. The CHARIOT IoT Cognitive Platform is designed to effectively utilise existing cognitive technologies and put them together with the innovations created in the project, such as the Blockchain component, to offer a complete solution for
managing communications between devices, middleware, storage, and data analytics and to address privacy and security issues out-of-the-box, as was originally described in D2.2 and further analyzed in this document.

The resulting Platform is based on the Open IoT Cognitive Architecture(2) and is implemented using open technologies and open source tools and frameworks. It is secure by design and the individual components communicate over a “publish / subscribe” messaging layer which promotes decoupling and scalability as well as extensibility of the solution. Moreover, a Continuous Integration / Continuous Delivery (CI/CD) process was used to speed up the development and delivery of new features as they become available. Automated unit testing ensures that newly committed code is secure and does not compromise the system.

This report follows the second iteration of the CHARIOT platform, following up the technical work that was described in D2.2, describing the main components and their updated functions. As done in the first version, this deliverable also captures and demonstratesthe core design decisions and architectural guidelines of the CHARIOT project ensuring the development of an IoT system and methodology that is capable of learning and adapting in pursuit of increased efficiency of Privacy, Security and Safety protection, and moving towards autonomous decisions applying Privacy, Security and Safety policies.

The report accompanies the development work carried out under WP2 and T2.2 “CHARIOT IoT Cognitive Platform” regarding the CHARIOT IoT Cognitive Platform. The software components that this report accompanies, and that were implemented in the context of T2.2, reside in the private GitLab repository(3) of CHARIOT. At the time of writing this report, the repository hosts 7 projects related to the work in this task. Each of the repositories also contains readme files and wiki pages that provide detailed technical descriptions
and guides for the software artefacts and are to be considered as additions to the present report.

This report starts off with a section dedicated to mapping CHARIOT outputs to tasks & subtasks as described in the latest DoA, following up with sections addressing the reviewers’ comments and providing an overview of the changes made in this document from the previous version. Additionally, the latest version of the platform requirements, as described in D4.9 are also included in this report.

After an updated high-level representation of the platform’s components, the report continues by describing the various validation & test case scenarios that were developed to facilitate the validation of the functionality and integration status of the various components used in the platform. The next section dives in a detailed technical analysis of the cognitive platform technology stack where the selected technologies and their roles are listed and explained.

The last chapter of this report outlines the process of deployment of the platform, by outlining the technologies that are used to automate the deployment process while also maintaining a high degree of scalability. This section offers both an outline of a generic deployment process and covers deployment scenarios for already existing systems and infrastructure, as is the case with the Living Labs. Finally, the conclusions section offers a summary of the decisions and lessons learned in the development of the
CHARIOT platform.


(2) - D2.1 Design specification for CHARIOT cognitive IoT Architecture

(3) - https://gitlab.com/chariot-h2020/

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