Factories of the Future
Media & Entertainment
Smart Cities
Smart Energy
Smart Ports
SME Opportunities
Societal Impacts
Technology Development
Telecoms Providers
5G Automotive
5G CAM Standardisation
5G Corridors
5G Multimodal Connectivity
5G Transport Network
Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning
Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning in big data
Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning technologies
Big data
Big data algorithms
Big data analytics
Collaborative Classification and Models
Business Models, Process Improvement, Contract Management, KPIs and Benchmarking Indexes
Collaboration Risk and Value Sharing
Collaborative Planning and Synchromodality
Customs & Regulatory Compliance
Environmental Performance Management
Logistics Optimisation
Stock Optimisation
Supply Chain Corrective and Preventive Actions (CAPA)
Supply Chain Financing
Supply Chain Visibility
Common Information Objects
Customs Declarations
Transport Service Description
Transport Status
Computing and Processing
Big Data Management and Analytics
Knowledge Graphs
Machine Learning
Stream Processing
Connectivity Interfaces
Technologies (Bluetooth, Ethernet, Wifi)
Data Management, Simulation and Dashboards
Data Fusion
Data Governance, Integrity, Quality Management and Harmonization
Event Handling
Open Data
Statistics and Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)
Data market
Data ecosystem
Data marketplace
Data Platform
Data Providers
IoT Controllers
IoT Gateways
IoT Sensors
Tracking Sensors
Digitisation Frameworks
Control Towers
Data Pipelines
National Single Windows
Port Community Systems
Data Federation
Platform Federation
Industrial IoT Sectors
Rail Sector Active Predictive Maintenance
Data interoperability
Data interoperability mechanisms
Interoperability solutions
Platform interoperability
IoT Secuirty, Privacy and Safety Systems
PKI Technology
Data privacy preserving technologies
Privacy preserving technologies
Project Results
5G-SOLUTIONS Deliverables
5G-SOLUTIONS Publications
CHARIOT Capacity Building and Trainings
CHARIOT Deliverables
CHARIOT Publications
SELIS Deliverables
SELIS Publications and Press Releases
Project Results - 5g Routes
5G-ROUTES Deliverables
5G-ROUTES Innovation
5G-ROUTES Publications
Project Results - TRUSTS
TRUSTS Deliverable
TRUSTS Publications
Safety, Security and Privacy Systems
Access Management
Coordinated Border Management
Information Security
International Organisations
Risk Assessment and Management
Risk Management
Safety and Security Assessment
Source Code Analysis
Sectors and Stakeholders
Airports and Air Transport
Banks, investors and other funding providers
Custom Authorities
Facilities, Warehouses
Freight Forwarders
Inland Waterways
Multimodal Operators
Ports and Terminals
Road Transport
Smart Buildings
Trusties and other Intermediary Organizations
Urban and Countryside Logistics
Urban Logistics
Sectors and Stakeholders - TRUSTS
Audit & Law firms
Corporate offices
Financial Institutions
Secured Data
Secured Infrastructure
Secured Platform
Data sovereignty
Good Distribution Practices
International data standards
International Organization for Standardization (ISO)
World Customs Organization (WCO)
Supply Chain Management
Business Models, Process Improvement, Contract Management, KPIs and Benchmarking Indexes
Risk Management
Risk-Based Controls
Screening and tracking
Supervision Approach
Agile Deployment, Configuration Management
Business Applications
Business Integration Patterns, Publish-Subscribe
Cloud Technologies/Computing, Services Virtualisation
Community Node Platform and Application Monitoring
Connectivity Technologies (Interfaces and Block Chain)
Hybrid S/T Communication and Navigation Platforms
IoT (Sensors, platforms)
Physical Internet (PI)
Public key infrastructure (PKI)
Radio-frequency identification (RFID)


Beyond Automation: The Cognitive IoT. Artificial Intelligence Brings Sense to the Internet of Things
05/01/2018 00:00:00
The Internet of Things (IoT) has already been infiltrated to our everyday life in the forms of smartphones, smart TVs, fitness trackers, health monitoring systems, smart watches, vending machines, smart meters, city traffic, building security systems and much more like this. It has steered the automation to a new high. But IoT alone has limited capability. To reap the actual benefit of IoT, it has to be intelligent. In this chapter, we have reasoned why IoT needs Artificial Intelligence (AI). The intelligent IoT that we discuss here, is termed as the Cognitive IoT (CIoT) . Cognitive IoT uses a new computing paradigm called Cognitive Computing, often popularly dubbed as the third era of computing. Cognitive Computing will make IoT more sophisticated, more intelligent, and more interactive. This chapter essentially focuses on the convergence of IoT with Cognitive AI. In addition to introducing a preliminary idea of Cognitive Computing, the chapter discusses several aspects of CIoT. It explains how Cognitive Computing has been used in IoT through different forms such as Cognitive Network, Cognitive Devices, and Cognitive Analytics. The desirable properties of the CIoT are mentioned. A special discussion is presented on how CIoT has taken automation to a new level. Realizing CIoT is not straightforward for the reason that it is a complex system and is quite different from other computing systems we have been familiar with. The implementation challenges along with the societal and ethical apprehensions of CIoT have been identified and discussed in detail. The business world is showing great interest in IoT and subsequently in CIoT. Considering that, we have highlighted the business values of CIoT and some prospective application areas along with a few prominent use cases. But, will excessive adoption of AI and tendering human-like intellect to inorganic devices be a threat to the human race? Do we need to be warned? A rational discussion on that has been presented before winding up.
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