Deliverable 2.2 is the bridge between the use case definition and requirements, the ICT-17 facility interfaces and the 5G-SOLUTIONS orchestrator. It has 2 main goals:
1) Describe the capabilities of the CDSO and the orchestration needs of the project. Give a detailed description of the extensibility mechanism of the CDSO and how we can use this mechanism to glue together the VNFs and networks into end to end use cases we can execute and report on
2) For each use case, identify the orchestration requirements and the gaps between the existing capabilities of the ICT-17 facility orchestrators and the needs of the use case. Then define how this gap will be closed by developing custom plugins to the CDSO.
The inputs to this deliverable come from WP1 (D1.1, D1.2) and from the ICT-17 projects (5G-VINNI, 5g-EVE) and their facility owners. The 5G-SOLUTIONS CDSO is based on Nokia CBND thus information in this deliverable is also based on CBND documentation.