Factories of the Future
Media & Entertainment
Smart Cities
Smart Energy
Smart Ports
SME Opportunities
Societal Impacts
Technology Development
Telecoms Providers
5G Automotive
5G CAM Standardisation
5G Corridors
5G Multimodal Connectivity
5G Transport Network
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Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning in big data
Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning technologies
Big data
Big data algorithms
Big data analytics
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Business Models, Process Improvement, Contract Management, KPIs and Benchmarking Indexes
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Customs & Regulatory Compliance
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Logistics Optimisation
Stock Optimisation
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Supply Chain Visibility
Common Information Objects
Customs Declarations
Transport Service Description
Transport Status
Computing and Processing
Big Data Management and Analytics
Knowledge Graphs
Machine Learning
Stream Processing
Connectivity Interfaces
Technologies (Bluetooth, Ethernet, Wifi)
Data Management, Simulation and Dashboards
Data Fusion
Data Governance, Integrity, Quality Management and Harmonization
Event Handling
Open Data
Statistics and Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)
Data market
Data ecosystem
Data marketplace
Data Platform
Data Providers
IoT Controllers
IoT Gateways
IoT Sensors
Tracking Sensors
Digitisation Frameworks
Control Towers
Data Pipelines
National Single Windows
Port Community Systems
Data Federation
Platform Federation
Industrial IoT Sectors
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Data interoperability
Data interoperability mechanisms
Interoperability solutions
Platform interoperability
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PKI Technology
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Project Results
5G-SOLUTIONS Deliverables
5G-SOLUTIONS Publications
CHARIOT Capacity Building and Trainings
CHARIOT Deliverables
CHARIOT Publications
SELIS Deliverables
SELIS Publications and Press Releases
Project Results - 5g Routes
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5G-ROUTES Innovation
5G-ROUTES Publications
Project Results - TRUSTS
TRUSTS Deliverable
TRUSTS Publications
Safety, Security and Privacy Systems
Access Management
Coordinated Border Management
Information Security
International Organisations
Risk Assessment and Management
Risk Management
Safety and Security Assessment
Source Code Analysis
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Freight Forwarders
Inland Waterways
Multimodal Operators
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Road Transport
Smart Buildings
Trusties and other Intermediary Organizations
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Urban Logistics
Sectors and Stakeholders - TRUSTS
Audit & Law firms
Corporate offices
Financial Institutions
Secured Data
Secured Infrastructure
Secured Platform
Data sovereignty
Good Distribution Practices
International data standards
International Organization for Standardization (ISO)
World Customs Organization (WCO)
Supply Chain Management
Business Models, Process Improvement, Contract Management, KPIs and Benchmarking Indexes
Risk Management
Risk-Based Controls
Screening and tracking
Supervision Approach
Agile Deployment, Configuration Management
Business Applications
Business Integration Patterns, Publish-Subscribe
Cloud Technologies/Computing, Services Virtualisation
Community Node Platform and Application Monitoring
Connectivity Technologies (Interfaces and Block Chain)
Hybrid S/T Communication and Navigation Platforms
IoT (Sensors, platforms)
Physical Internet (PI)
Public key infrastructure (PKI)
Radio-frequency identification (RFID)

Smart Buildings

Top 5 IoT “Quick Wins” for Smart Buildings
Matt Ernst 07/05/2018 00:00:00

There isn’t one distinct thing a building can change to become “smart.” Each building and its occupants are unique and require a unique approach. However, many times occupants and owners can feel the difference intuitively when working in a smart building.

The benefit of having a smart building is hard to value, and sometimes the best way to understand that value is to make the leap and implement low-capital cost, non-invasive projects that provide small yet potent improvements. Gathering these quick wins can help sell and lead into bigger endeavors. I’ll list my top 5 IoT projects to give your building a higher education.


1. Analytics: Find things you never knew before!
The quickest way to jump into IoT for Smart Buildings is to use data that is already being captured by your building’s automation systems. The systems that control the HVAC and energy-using systems are great places to start. Installing analytics software can identify new insights into the operation of your building which can lead to more informed decision-making and eventually a more efficient and reliable building.

Analytics software can immediately crunch large amounts of existing data and identify things that are typically hard or impossible for a building technician to find, such as:

Identifying spaces where the temperature is out of control (large swings over the course of the day)
Mechanical/Electrical equipment that is broken, but hard to identify
Equipment that is using more energy than typical/ideal
Knowledge is power, and by more quickly and reliably identifying issues where the building operators can take positive corrective action makes for a healthy, smarter building.

2. Engage your occupants: Treat the occupants of your building like the customers they are.

Typically, building managers consult often with their tenant’s management staff. However, usually there is no direct line of feedback from occupants to the building management or operations team. There are several commercially available applications that make it easier to get consistent occupant feedback that can be analyzed in a consistent and statistical way to track occupant satisfaction.

The most important part of operating a Smart Building is not changing technology, it’s changing the operational mindset. By closing the feedback loop between the users of the building and the operators and systems that serve them, the building can be improved in a methodically way.

Each change to a building (i.e. renovations, mechanical upgrades, sustainability projects, etc) can be rigorously tested to determine if they improve the occupant experience or not. By receiving consistent and quantifiable occupant feedback, the true value of building improvement projects can be measured.

3. Upgrade your automation firepower!
Many buildings have outdated systems (think Windows 2000) that control the HVAC, lighting, and other functions of the building. Automation technology is the foundation of a Smart Building, and if this technology is too old to support more modern add-ons, then IoT projects can be dead on arrival.

Sometimes the most important projects are foundational ones that can lead to bigger and better things. Smart Building projects/programs start with an investigation into what exists in the building in the first place. A single line diagram of all the controls systems is created (controllers, communication protocols, rough understanding of connected sensors and data quality and flow) and from there, a plan can be engineered to best suit to goals of the building.

4. View your building through a single pane of glass: Centralize the operation of your buildings functions and integrate them together.

Another foundation to Smart Buildings is to bring previously separate systems together. Most buildi

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